Tom Briggs looked at Sergeant Foster and then back at Inspector Walsh.'I remember it very well.All the family were in the kitchen.Peter Hobbs was there,too.I talked to Roger.He wants his mother to sell the house.But he wants the land.He doesn't want me to have it.But now Mrs Clark-son is dead.What's going to happen now?'

Inspector Walsh got up and took the picture of the girl from the table.'Who's this?'
Tom's face went red.'Who?Oh!That's a friend.It's not…It was a long time ago.'
The two detectives walked back to the Clarksons' house through the garden.It was beautiful,green and quiet.Inspector Walsh felt tired and hungry.Who killed Molly?He knew the answer now,but he needed to ask one or two more questions.
'Let's go,Sergeant,'he said,and put on his hat again.'Tomorrow is a new day.'
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