When you hear Western music, you generally get the emotional tone. A major key is happy. A minor one? That’s sad.
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时间:2012-03-22 11:11:40 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:beck 每天三分钟英语轻松学
And spoken voices reflect this tonality. Here’s someone sounding positive: “I don’t know who made this cake but it is fantastic!” And down on his luck: “The papers finalizing the divorce came today.”
The researchers wanted to know: are these sounds international? So they turned to classical music from southern India. Here’s one that represents joy. Another displays grief and sadness. As for the spoken word, I bet you can tell the positive speaker from the negative one.
The researchers analyzed music and 20 native Tamil and American English speakers for a variety of sound and tone parameters. The authors say that certain emotional tones seem to be cross-cultural, and that music mimics voice. The research was published in the journal Public Library of Science One.
So we may often be able to understand the moods of a culture in music and even in speech – without understanding a word.
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