A local news report about a prenup and marriage breakup would make a fine satiric tale. Like an entertaining satire, the plot and characters of that report offer useful material for contemplation.It seems that a certain "sugar daddy" fell in love with a gorgeous woman who worked at a restaurant and proposed to her. The woman, however, suspected her Romeo's ability to keep his wedding vows. Before marriage, she insisted that he sign a private contract.
In the contract, Romeo promised to pay his beloved NT$100 million if he broke his promise not "to beat her, badmouth her, and/or date any [other] woman."
Soon into the marriage, Romeo slipped up and had an affair. So Juliet took her Romeo to court, armed to the teeth with their private documents.
I find it sad that couples feel it is necessary to sign such documents. It is from deep and very special feelings of friendship that romance grows. And the essence of friendship ethics is trust and respect. Cases like this seem to show that trust and respect are absent from modern marriages.
What happened to the case in the end? The judge ordered Romeo to pay his Juliet the amount she finally requested: 15 percent of the promised NT$100 million.