When fear grips mankind,Minorities are an easy target.
当人性被恐惧蒙蔽时 少数群体很容易沦为众矢之的
The authorities in Strasbourg try to protect them,
Posting guards in their streets.But isolation breeds contempt.
在他们聚居地的街头巷尾安置卫兵 但这种刻意隔离反倒助长了蔑视情绪
The mob takes the law into its own hands.
暴民们打破法规 自作主张
February 14th. A St. Valentine's day massacre.
在二月十四日 发动了情人节大屠杀
The Jews of Strasbourg are given a choice:Convert or die.
斯特拉斯堡的犹太人被迫做出抉择 放弃信仰 或是以死谢罪
1,000 Jews are burned alive.But the massacre does nothing to save the city.
一千名犹太人被活活烧死 但是大屠杀没能拯救这座城市
Five months later, the plague arrives,Claiming another 16,000 victims.
五个月后 瘟疫袭来 死亡簿上凭添一万六千冤魂
All over Europe, great cities lie deserted.
An eyewitness reports:"Shops are shut, people rare."
一位目击者称 商店关门大吉 人迹罕至
"A deep silence in almost every place.
"Consider what we were and what we've become.
想想以前我们的样子 在看看现在的模样
"There was a crowd of us. Now we are alone."
原来人们熙熙攘攘 现在我们却百般寂寥"