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骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第81期:书本讨论(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Back to the book, the thing about images that we see in our society are theory materialKnightly material is obviously alive and well in our culture
  • 我们在社会上看到的影像在回归书本之前 都是理论性的素材很显然 骑士素材切实存在于我们的文化中
  • We see it in a lot of films over the last five, seven years There have been a lot of films, whether directly like
  • 过去的五到七年中 我们在很多电影里都有见到它有直接表现骑士精神的电影
  • First Knight or Braveheart or things like Star Wars, which really are based on knightly materialHe even admits that he studied knightly literature in order to write these things
  • 也有间接表现的像这些电影都是以骑士精神为素材的有的作者甚至承认自己曾经研究过骑士文学 以此来显示撰写这些东西的权威性
  • We also, of course, look at cartoonsIf you wander by my office door,
  • 当然 我们也得看看卡通人物你要是在我的办公室门口溜达过就会发现
  • I usually try to put the cartoons that I like on my office doorNon Sequitur, on our papers, often pretty good, there's one on my door now
  • 我经常会在办公室门上贴一些卡通画虽不合逻辑 但很好 现在我门上就贴着一张卡通画
  • It shows two bears in the woods, their butts are sticking out of this car and the one bear says to the other, "I hate it when you poke them all to see if they're tender or not "
  • 上面是树林中的两只熊正在用头戳汽车 一只熊对另一只说"你就是为了看看他们温不温顺而去戳他们 我讨厌这样"
  • This was a Non Sequitur of some time ago, within the last yearThis is fiction / nonfiction mythology, you see a dragon's tail
  • 这 确实有点不合逻辑 去年有一次这是个小说/非小说的神话 你看见了龙的尾巴
  • There was one, just to show this not just that type of material but also, One of the things that is important to learn, it is kind of interesting
  • 只是为了表明这个不属于那类素材去了解它也是很有必要的 这跟兴趣有关
  • People say, "People buy books to put them out in their house so thatPeople think they're educated or think they are well informed "
  • 有人说 "人们买书并把他们放在书架上是为了让别人认为他很有教养或者见识广博"
  • Then I guess some magazines, like The New Yorker has the same effectIt is not that I read them It's just that I put them on my table,
  • 我猜想有些杂志 比如说就会产生这样的效果并不是说我真的读了他们 而是说我把他们放在桌子上了
  • "Wow! This is The New Yorker You're really informed "There is this one in The New Yorker, recently, doesn't show very well
  • "喔 这是您真是见多识广呀"但最近这个在里表现得不是很明显
  • You have to admire his professionalism It shows more a knight as might, Just going around and bashing on stuff but i'll put this on my door
  • 你不得不佩服他的专业精神 这更加表明了骑士精神但如果你在我门前闲逛
  • If you want to wander aroundBesides cartoons, movies, where else do we see images almost everyday this culture?
  • 我会把它贴在我的门上除了卡通啊 电影啊 在日常文化里 我们还能在哪儿看到影像呢
  • There's one I love because I have so little hair There's a great one on TV now, an ad for hair care products
  • 有一个我喜欢的广告 因为我头发很少现在电视上有一个很不错的头发护理产品的广告
  • What happens? He came up with a name I don't pay that much attention because obviously, I can't use it
  • 那怎么了呢 他有个名字我没太注意 因为很明显 我不能用
  • But that drying your hair is bad for you, This is the one where the shampoo, what's put in,
  • 吹干头发不好因为香波中含有的化学元素
  • I supposed to be heat activated There is this big dragon that comes up It's a great dragon
  • 遇高温会被激活之后就出现了一条大龙 很大的龙
  • How about other places? Where else?Some really habitual ads we see on TV
  • 那还有没有在其他的地方见过呢 其他的地方呢我们在电视上司空见惯的广告
  • Like for the Marine Corps A few are proud, they all come back;
  • 比如说为海军陆战队拍的广告有的人很骄傲 他们都回来了
  • Comes back clad and he has a sword
  • 有个人回来带着一把剑




重点单词   查看全部解释    
wander ['wɔndə]


vi. 徘徊,漫步,闲逛,迷路,蜿蜒

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

mythology [mi'θɔlədʒi]


n. 神话,神话学,神话集

habitual [hə'bitjuəl]


adj. 惯常的,习惯的

poke [pəuk]


n. 刺,戳,袋
vt. 拨开,刺,戳

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位





