In the next 300 years,Potosi will supply 80% of all the silver in the world.
此后三百年间 世界范围内多达80%的白银都产自波托西
We put great value on that which is rare.
You can take silver and break it up into small bits,
并且由于便携 可被切割细分
so that they become a standard value currency
因此白银就可充当 一种标准有价货币
and with that you can purchase and trade with other societies,
人们可以用白银购买所需 与外族人交易
and it's going to increase the wealth of the entire world.
But within 20 years, the richest silver ore is mined out,
然而最初的二十年间 随着高品质银矿的开发
Leaving Spanish engineers with a problem.
The remaining ore is too low grade For the silver to be extracted using heat.
由于残银矿含银量太低 很难用高温方法提取纯银
The Spaniards had never encountered anything like silver ore before,
西班牙人在此之前 从未接触过这类银矿
and didn't know how to refine it.
The techniques they used actually just ended up boiling away the silver.
他们使用的提取技术仅仅局限于 将银矿石加热汽化
The riches of America trapped inside its rocks.
But in 1553, a man arrives with a secret formula,
直到1553年 一位有志之士携秘方而来
The key that unlocks the wealth of the new world:Bartolomeu Medina.
为"释放"新大陆的滚滚财富献上关键一计 他就是巴尔托洛梅乌·梅迪纳
Experimenter, innovator, entrepreneur.
身兼试验家 发明家 企业家
A textiles trader from Spain,He's traveled 5,000 miles to make his fortune.
他是一位来自西班牙的纺织商 为寻财路 他已长途跋涉五千英里