His idea will build new cities and empires,
Create new ways of living,launch new conflicts,
开创新生活的"点金石" 也是激发新矛盾的"导火索"
And help to fund some of the man-made wonders of the world:
A chemical formula for extracting silver using mercury.
But, at first, the method that worked in Europe fails.
但起初 在欧洲应用这种方法的试验均告失败
Medina doesn't realize That the silver-bearing rocks of the Andes
梅迪纳并没有意识到 安第斯山脉出产的银矿石
Have fewer traces of copper than those of Europe,
与欧洲出产的银矿石相比 含铜量更少
Essential for the formula to work.
For months, he experiments, searching for a solution.
数月来 他反复试验 苦苦寻找解决方案
"I've suffered mental anguish."
我心情烦闷 痛苦至极
"I begged Our Lady to enlighten and guide me,
我祈求圣母玛利亚能启发我 为我指引方向
"So that I might be successful."
Medina was an entrepreneur who saw a problem
and fiddled and experimented until he came up with a solution.
就肯花时间苦心钻研的企业家 他有那种不达目的誓不罢休的精神
Finally, a breakthrough.
有志者事竟成 他终于取得突破性进展
The missing ingredient,a common substance used to tan leather:Copper sulfate.
那份缺失的反应原料 就是用来为羽毛染色的常见物质 硫酸铜