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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I was having dinner inthe Kirkland dining hall with Mark,
  • 我和马克在柯克兰食堂吃晚饭的时候
  • and I had the chicken with me,because I had to have the chicken with me at all times.This was college.
  • 我带了一只鸡 因为我不得不一直带着鸡 就算这样
  • Somebody's gonna have to answer for this.969
  • 总有人得负责 969.
  • And the dining hall was serving chicken for dinner,and I had to feed my chicken, so I...
  • 当时餐厅正供应鸡肉 而我必须喂鸡吃的,所以我就
  • Well, I took little pieces of chicken and I gave it to the chicken.
  • 我就弄了一小块鸡肉,把它喂给了鸡
  • Someone must have seen me,because the next thing I knew I was being accused of forced cannibalism.
  • 有人定是看到我这样做了因为发生了接下来的事 我被起诉,因为强迫小鸡嗜食同类
  • I didn't know you couldn't do that.I dealt with the various animal rights groups,I dealt with the associate dean of the college.
  • 我知道你们不可能不知道这件事 我和各种动物权利机构解释过了 也和副院长解释过了
  • This was all resolved.Someone from the Porc or the Flymust have reported it.
  • 这件事已经解决了 一定是坡斯廉或是飞行俱乐部的人写的
  • For all I know, it was the Winklevosses.All right, let's just forget about it.
  • 就我所知,是文克莱沃斯兄弟干的 好吧,那就把它忘了吧
  • This is absurd.I'm being accused of animal cruelty.It's better to be accused of necrophilia.It is better to be accused of necrophilia.
  • 这真荒谬,我会因虐待动物被起诉 最好因恋尸狂起诉 最好因恋尸狂起诉
  • Now I have to explain this to my father.I'm gonna have to explain this to everybody.
  • 现在我要和老爸解释这件事还要和所有人解释这件事
  • What is happening on that?I have my final coming up for Postwar and Contemporary Art and I haven't been to class.
  • 这是怎么一回事? 我的“战后及当代艺术”就快要考试了 我还没去上过课呢
  • I'm supposed to write about these four paintings.That's a Facebook page?
  • 我想我应该写这四幅作品 那是脸谱网的页面?
  • Yeah. I opened it under an alias.I posted the paintings and asked people to comment.
  • 是的,我用别名注册 我把这些画放上去,让人们去评论
  • Every once in a while I hop on and stir the pot to get a good debate going.
  • 每过一段时间我登上去挑出一个好的评论
  • Mr. Zuckerberg was cheating on his final exam?I'd rather not answer that, Gretchen. And why not?
  • 扎克伯格先生在期末考试中作弊了吗? 葛雷琴,我不想回答这个问题 为什么不呢?
  • Because I'm not suing him for cheating on his final exam.
  • 因为我不想控诉他在期末考试中作弊
  • That's not what friends do. Well, you just told us he was cheating.
  • 这不是朋友的作为 你刚才告诉我们,他是在作弊


I was having dinner inthe Kirkland dining hall with Mark,


and I had the chicken with me,because I had to have the chicken with me at all times.This was college.

我带了一只鸡 因为我不得不一直带着鸡 就算这样

Somebody's gonna have to answer for this.969

总有人得负责 969.

And the dining hall was serving chicken for dinner,and I had to feed my chicken, so I...

当时餐厅正供应鸡肉 而我必须喂鸡吃的,所以我就

Well, I took little pieces of chicken and I gave it to the chicken.


Someone must have seen me,because the next thing I knew I was being accused of forced cannibalism.

有人定是看到我这样做了因为发生了接下来的事 我被起诉,因为强迫小鸡嗜食同类

I didn't know you couldn't do that.I dealt with the various animal rights groups,I dealt with the associate dean of the college.

我知道你们不可能不知道这件事 我和各种动物权利机构解释过了 也和副院长解释过了

This was all resolved.Someone from the Porc or the Flymust have reported it.

这件事已经解决了 一定是坡斯廉或是飞行俱乐部的人写的

For all I know, it was the Winklevosses.All right, let's just forget about it.

就我所知,是文克莱沃斯兄弟干的 好吧,那就把它忘了吧

This is absurd.I'm being accused of animal cruelty.It's better to be accused of necrophilia.It is better to be accused of necrophilia.

这真荒谬,我会因虐待动物被起诉 最好因恋尸狂起诉 最好因恋尸狂起诉

Now I have to explain this to my father.I'm gonna have to explain this to everybody.


What is happening on that?I have my final coming up for Postwar and Contemporary Art and I haven't been to class.

这是怎么一回事? 我的“战后及当代艺术”就快要考试了 我还没去上过课呢

I'm supposed to write about these four paintings.That's a Facebook page?

我想我应该写这四幅作品 那是脸谱网的页面?

Yeah. I opened it under an alias.I posted the paintings and asked people to comment.

是的,我用别名注册 我把这些画放上去,让人们去评论

Every once in a while I hop on and stir the pot to get a good debate going.


Mr. Zuckerberg was cheating on his final exam?I'd rather not answer that, Gretchen. And why not?

扎克伯格先生在期末考试中作弊了吗? 葛雷琴,我不想回答这个问题 为什么不呢?

Because I'm not suing him for cheating on his final exam.


That's not what friends do. Well, you just told us he was cheating.

这不是朋友的作为 你刚才告诉我们,他是在作弊

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

glossary ['glɔsəri]


n. 字典,辞典
[计算机] 词汇表

associate [ə'səuʃieit]


n. 同伴,伙伴,合伙人
n. 准学士学位获得

stir [stə:]


n. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱

absurd [əb'sə:d]


adj. 荒唐的
n. 荒唐

cruelty ['kru:əlti]


n. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待

alias ['eiliæs]


n. 别名,化名 adv. 又被称为,另外地

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

vandalism ['vændəlizəm]


n. 故意破坏,故意破坏(艺术或公物等)的行为


关键字: 名人 扎克伯格 传记




