Will you be attending the theater tonight?
Aladdin is playing at Grover's.No, sir. I'm afraid not, sir.
《阿拉丁神灯》正在格罗弗剧院上演 不 我不去 先生
Pity. There will be some fine acting there tonight.
真遗憾 今晚可是有好戏要上演
The officers could keep their sidearms.
And what terms did you make for the common soldiers?
I told them to go back to their homes and families.
With a promise to not again take up arms against the United States of America.
并保证不再 与美利坚合众国作对
Quite simple, and quite right.
很好 简单又有效
Which brings to mind how very providential it is that this rebellion was crushed just as Congress has adjourned.
让人不禁觉得在国会休会时 刚好镇压完叛乱是多么幸运
There are men in Congress who harbor feelings of hate and vindictiveness toward the South.
国会中还是有人 一直对南部怀恨在心
But there will be no persecution when this war is over, no bloody work.
但只要战争结束 便不能再有迫害和血腥的一幕发生
We must bend every effort to reanimate the South,to put her state governments in order,
我们要竭尽全力去振兴南部 对政府进行整顿
and to re-establish the Union before Congress reconvenes.
Still no word from General Sherman?We are hourly expecting it.
谢尔曼将军那边还是没消息吗 我们也在时刻等待着消息