Will Ensure what has escaped spreads and multiplies My only hope for mitigating the potential damages to ensure accountability and set an.
Example for other nations to do the same Woman: I guess i've organised my comments into two parts First is an attempt to sort of maybe.
为其他国家树立榜样我的评论大致可以分成两部分 第一是
Reframe the issue of why the Bush administration has this contradiction in terms of laws and the books available to prosecute torturers but at.
The same time the Justice Department has refused to do so And then the second part, actually i'll suggest a couple of ways that you.
与此同时司法部门却不这样做 第二个部分是我会对你刚提到的
Could supplement the regime that you proposed To begin my reply I would like to first offer two upper graphs The first is from a December.
2005 Harris poll and unfortunately I couldn't find a more recent poll of 1, 961 US adults and the second is from write JM Coetzee's diary of a.
第一个是2005年的哈里斯民意调查不巧的是我找不到更新的多达1961个成年人参与的民意调查 第二个是
Bad year, I don't know if any of you have read it but I would encourage you to read it So the first, of all adults, and again these are adults in.
JMCoetzee关于糟糕的一年的日记我不知道你们读过没有但我建议你们读一下首先52% 的成年人认为
The US believe that the use of torture is justified either often that's 12% or sometimes that's 40% 83% believe that the US uses torture often, 17%.
虐待是合理的 其中12%认为这是普遍的而40%认为这偶尔发生有83%的人认为美国存在虐待 其中17%