That focuses on the average? What's the average relationship in human history?
The average relationship in human history is one in which the woman is subjugated.
That's the average relationship in human history. Now what if we just study that?
Would that be helpful? No, it was when people like John Stuart Mill,
是否有帮助?不 John Stuart Mill这样的人
Who studied his relationships which was at the time extraordinary,
Realized the potential of what all relationships can be that he wrote his book on subjugation of women,
One of the most important books of the 19th century that has led to the feminist movement
And to the equality movement. What if he only studies the average?
Would that help relationships? Not at all.
How about teaching? What do you want to do in order to learn about teaching
那教学呢?要了解如何教学 你想怎样做?
Go and study the average teachers or go and study Marva Collins and then apply what Marva Collins does to all teachers?
研究平均水平的教师还是研究Marva Collins然后将Marva Collins的经验应用到所有老师身上?
Everyone benefits when we focus on the tip of stamen this is why Maslow said human nature
当着眼于研究最优秀的人体时 每个人都得益这就是为什么Maslow说人性
And human potential has been sold short, when we only study the average.
It's also about studying our personal best, not just other people's best,