Stretching way back to my childhood, I wanted to understand time.
Being shown the stars through a telescope and told that what I was seeing was thousands of years in the past.
To me, it was a mystery that, the ebbs and flows of time.
My name is Jem Finer, and I've composed Long Player, which is an everlasting piece of music that repeats every thousand years.
我是杰姆·费纳尔,我创作了Long Player,这是一支永远不会停下来,并且每一千年才会重复一次的曲子。
Long Player started playing at the beginning of the year 2000.
Long Player从2000年初开始演奏。
Around the middle of the 1990's, the millennium started to be discussed a lot,
but really, all that was being discussed were very short-term ways of celebrating it.
A few nights of fireworks and parties?
It seemed to me there's a kind of absurdity about celebrating something so long by strategies that were so short.
So, one of the things that interested me is making this thousand years tangible.
It occurred to me one day that the best way I can do that was to write a piece of music.
If you imagine taking six copies of the same record and playing them on six different turn tables,
you spin each turn table at a different speed,
you're moving through the material at different points on each one,
and in that way you get a relationship that never resolves, never comes back into phase, until exactly after a thousand years.
So, what these singing bowls are here, are all the bowls that are necessary to play any point of Long Player in its thousand year long duration.
所以,这里的这些唱钵就是Long Player延续一千年所需要的所有唱钵。

You think a singing bowl has just this ballad, you just hit it and it sounds, but actually they're very complex.
It's like there's all sorts of sounds in there that you can tease out in different ways.
The future of Long Player could go many different ways.
Long Player的未来有很多种可能性。
We don’t know what's going to happen, technologically, politically, culturally, ecologically.
It creates this continuum of people, a community of listeners and caretakers across generations,
Long Player创造了一个人和人的连续体,一群跨越年代的听众和演奏者,
until the 31st of December, 2999, at which point it will get back to where it first started, and start again.