Jobs's pep talk could have been a redeeming finale to Amelio's frightening performance.
Unfortunately Amelio came back onstage and resumed his ramblings for another hour.
Finally, more than three hours after the show began,
Amelio brought it to a close by calling Jobs back onstage and then, in a surprise, bringing up Steve Wozniak as well.
Again there was pandemonium. But Jobs was clearly annoyed.
He avoided engaging in a triumphant trio scene, arms in the air. Instead he slowly edged offstage.
"He ruthlessly ruined the closing moment I had planned," Amelio later complained.
"His own feelings were more important than good press for Apple."
It was only seven days into the new year for Apple, and already it was clear that the center would not hold.
Jobs immediately put people he trusted into the top ranks at Apple.
"I wanted to make sure the really good people who came in from NeXT
didn't get knifed in the back by the less competent people who were then in senior jobs at Apple," he recalled.