'You haven't been sacked, Hagrid!' gasped Hermione.
'Not yet,' said Hagrid miserably, taking a huge gulp of whatever was in the tankard.
'But 's only a matter o' time, i'n't it, after Malfoy ...'
'How is he?' said Ron, as they all sat down. 'It wasn't serious, was it?'
'Madam Pomfrey fixed him best she could,' said Hagrid dully, 'but he's sayin' it's still agony ... covered in bandages ... moanin' ...'
'He's faking it,' said Harry at once. 'Madam Pomfrey can mend anything.
She regrew half my bones last year. Trust Malfoy to milk it for all it's worth.'
'School gov'nors have bin told, o' course,' said Hagrid miserably. 'They reckon I started too big.

Shoulda left Hippogriffs fer later ... done Flobberworms or summat ... jus' thought it'd make a good firs' lesson ... 's all my fault ...'
'It's all Malfoy's fault, Hagrid!' said Hermione earnestly.
'We're witnesses,' said Harry. 'You said Hippogriffs attack if you insult them.
It's Malfoy's problem he wasn't listening.
We'll tell Dumbledore what really happened.'
'Yeah, don't worry, Hagrid, we'll back you up,' said Ron.
Tears leaked out of the crinkled corners of Hagrid's beetle-black eyes.
He grabbed both Harry and Ron and pulled them into a bone-breaking hug.