American journalist, Nicholas Daniloff, returned to the United Stated today, a free man.
He walked off a plane at Dulles Airport outside Washington late this afternoon after a month's detention in the Soviet Union.
Daniloff had these words for members of his family and journalists at the airport:
"There is always a silver lining in every cloud. In Russian, Nyet Kuda Bisdabra.
And I believe that the cloud that hung over Soviet-American affairs is dissipating.
I understand that the President is going to meet with Mr Gorbachev shortly in Iceland, and this to me, is a wonderful thing.
In my case, the investigation into the charges against me was concluded.
There was no trial, and I left as and ordinary, free American citizen.
In Zakharov's case, there was a trial, and he received a sentence.
I'm sorry I don't remember the exact terms of the sentence, and he left.
I do not believe that these two things are in any way equivalent."
NPR's Richard Gonzalez is at Dulles Airport now.

"Richard, what was the mood of Daniloff and his family when he arrived?"
"Well, the Daniloffs enjoyed a rather emotional reunion here at Dulles Airport.
Daniloff was cheerfully greeted by his daughter Miranda and his son, Caleb.
They celebrated his arrival with a bottle of champagne.
And they bought a dozen yellow roses for their father.
Caleb presented his father with a T-shirt that had been printed to say "Free Nick Daniloff" and now had been amended to say "Freed Nick Daniloff",
which Daniloff displayed with obvious relish to the cameramen and photographers who were gathered there."
"What seemed most on Daniloff's mind when he spoke with reporters today?"
"Well, as you heard him say, Daniloff seemed very,
very believed that his own personal honor and integrity as a journalist had been preserved in the negotiations that had freed him.
And he repeated once or twice that he felt that he had not been traded for Zakharov as a spy."
"Is there any chance Daniloff who is completing a second tour as a journalist in Moscow will return to the Soviet Union?"
"Well, Daniloff told us that he left the Soviet Union with his passport and just as importantly with his multiple-entry visa, 'which is still valid,' he said.
And he ended his news conference by telling reporters that yesterday in Moscow, feeling that he might be leaving the Soviet Union soon,
he had placed new flowers on the grave of his great great grandfather who was buried in Moscow.
And he said, 'I'm hopeful that I'll be able to do that again, some time.'"
"But who know what will happen?
What else can you tell us about what the scene looked like there?"
"Well, I can tell you that there were throngs of reporters here too,
some of whom wanted to greet Mr Daniloff with applause,
and that it took a while for Daniloff to get their attention so that he could tell them what they wanted to hear.
I think that the most obvious thing is that he had a lot of friends here, among the press corps, that were very happy to see him,
and I think that he really...he had a sparkle in his eye that said, 'Well, I'm finally home.'"
"So he seemed a lot more rested perhaps than in Frankfurt?"
"Rested, relieved, and I'd have to say well scrubbed."
"NPR's Richard Gonzalez talking with us from Dulles Airport."