President Reagan announced today that he and Soviet leader Gorbachev will meet in Iceland October 11th and 12th to prepare for a summit between the two leaders in the United States later this year.
The announcement came after the release yesterday from Moscow of American reporter Nicholas Daniloff and a court appearance in New York this morning by accused Soviet spy Gennadi Zakharov,
who pleaded no contest to espionage charges and was told to leave the United States within twenty-four hours.
Zakharov is now on his way back to the Soviet Union and Daniloff has arrived back in the United States.
The movement of Daniloff and Zakharov and plans for the meeting in Iceland were also announced today in Moscow.
The BBC's Peter Ruff reports.
"The announcement makes it clear that this was at Mr.Gorbachev's invitation ,and it's also pointed out that this is simply a preparatory meeting to a possible summit.

It's pointed out here that it will enable the Soviet Union to focus on arms issues, particularly the Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars program,
President Reagan's refusal to join a test moratorium, and a possible arms deal involving medium-range missiles in Europe.
In a separate announcement, the official news agency Tass revealed that Gennadi Zakharov had, as they put it, been released from custody and was returning home.
It made no mention of the fact that he'd pleaded no contest in a court in New York.
Then came the first official confirmation from the Soviet Union that the American reporter Nicholas Daniloff had been expelled.
The news item did not refer to him as a spy but as someone who'd been engaged in inadmissible activity."
BBC correspondent Peter Ruff in Moscow.
There was no mention in the Soviet press today that prominent Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov and his wife will be allowed to leave for the United stares by October 7th.
Secretary of State Shultz made that announcement in Washington saying Orlov was the driving force behind the Helsinki Monitoring Group of Civil Rights Activists.
In 1978, Orlov was sentenced to seven years in a prison camp to be followed by five more years in internal exile.
Shultz said Orlov's release was in exchange for that of Zakharov and had nothing to do with Daniloff's freedom.