In just eleven days President Reagan and Soviet leader Gorbachev will meet in Iceland for what is described by the two sides as an interim summit or a preparatory summit.
The announcement was made at the White House this morning at a news conference held by President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz called to discuss the Iceland meeting and the negotiations which had led up to the release of Nicholas Daniloff yesterday.
Negotiations for the release of Daniloff went on for over a month.
Today, at the same time that the White House news conference was going on, Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze met with the press in New York.
NPR's Jim Angle was at the White House, and Mike Shuster was with the Soviet Foreign Minister.
"Jim, since Daniloff was only released yesterday, and the details of the negotiations leading up to his release were not known yesterday,
didn't this announcement of a summit announced before any discussion of the Daniloff affair come as a surprise?"
"What was a surprise is that we did not know it was coming.
It is not a surprise if you look at the overall context of preparations for a summit and the discussions so far.
Of course, the US had said it would not attend a summit until the Daniloff case was resolved,
and the President said today that he could not have accepted this pre-summit preparatory meeting if Daniloff were still being held.
Today the matter was resolved.
At least we heard that the other details of the matter's resolution, including the fact that Gennadi Zakharov, the accused Soviet spy,
was allowed to plead no contest in a New York court and allowed to leave the United States.

The resolution of that matter cleared the way for summit preparations.
The meeting, of course , this pre-summit meeting, was proposed by Secretary Gorbachev,
in a letter delivered to President Reagan by Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze on September 19th.
The announcement of this meeting today at the same time as the resolution of Zakharov's status is a way of both sides saying that they consider the Daniloff matter resolved with the exception of one or two details and that no obstacles now exist in the preparations for summit later this year in the US."
"At the news conference this morning both President Reagan and Secretary of State Shultz stress that there had been no trade for Nicholas Daniloff.
Jim, was this a trade?"
"Well, clearly, Daniloff's release, Zakharov's quick trial and departure,
and the release of the Soviet dissident were all part of one package.
But to the extent that definitions are important, especially in the diplomatic world and in terms of principles and precedents, the US has insisted that there was no trade involved here.
They say Daniloff was released without a trial,
an implicit acknowledgement, if you will, by the Soviet, that he is not a spy.
Zakharov, on the other hand, in pleading no contest to espionage charges, allows, in a sense, the U.S. assertion that he was a spy to stand.
President Reagan sought to emphasize today in his remark at the White House that these were separate matters.
"There is no connection between these two releases.
And I don't know just what you have said so far about this.
But there were other arrangements with regard to Zakharov that resulted in his being freed."
Margo, the President's referring there to what the U.S. sees as the only trade involved in this whole package,
and that is the Soviet agreement to allow Soviet human rights activist Yuri Orlov and his wife to leave the Soviet Union by October 7th."