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BBC纪录片《我们的地球》 >
- At the Taiga's northern extent, the growing season can last for just one month a year.
- 在针叶林的北部区域,树木的一年内的生长时节只有1个月。
- It can take fifty years for a tree to get bigger than a seedling.
- 一棵树从秧苗到成年需要50年的时间
- It's a silent world where little stirs.
- 除了偶有动静,这里万籁俱寂。
- But there are occasional signs of life. Stories written in the snow.
- 即使在满是冰雪的童话世界中也有非常特别的生命。
- The prints of an Arctic fox and the hare it might've been stalking.
- 北极狐追捕野兔的脚印
- A female polar bear and her two cubs.
- 这是雌性北极熊和她的2个孩子的脚印。
- Some animals are so difficult to glimpse that they're like spirits.
- 有些动物如幽灵般,难得一见。
- One could live a lifetime in these woods and never see a lynx.
- 你可能在森林里呆一辈子也不会见到一只猞猁。
- The cat must roam hundreds of miles in search of prey
- 这只猫科动物为寻找猎物跋涉了几百英里,
- and may never visit the same patch of forest twice.
- 而且树林中同一地方它可能不会来第二次。
- It's the very essence of wilderness.
- 这是在原始森林中生存的基本。
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/Article/201807/559484.shtml