While you catch your breath I am going to talk to some special guests that we have here today.
你休息的时候 我来说一下我们今天的特别嘉宾
The Turner family submitted a video to be my 12 Day's Elves.
Turner一家人提交了视频 想成为我12天大放送的精灵
They're here in our Geico Skybox up there.
他们在上面的Geico Skybox里面
And look at the kids. Now normally, you have to be 14 to get in here.
看孩子们 一般来讲 必须要到14岁才能参加
We made an exception because you're up in the Geico Skybox, and you submitted a video.
我们破了例 因为你们在Geico Skybox里面 而且你们提交了视频
How old are you two, what are your names? Come on, stand up.
你们两个多大了 叫什么?快站起来
Maximus. Maximus? How old are you? Six.
Maximus Maximus 你多大了 6岁
Six, and you are? What's your name? Tell her who this is.
6岁 你呢?你叫什么?告诉她这是谁
That's Liliana and she is four.
那是Liliana 她4岁了
Liliana, now you know how to get a husband. You've been listening.
Liliana 这下你知道怎么找老公了吧 你一直在听
You go cry in the corner, will you?
去角落里哭 对吧?
All right, I'll see y'all down here a little later on.
好 一会儿下面见啊
And don't forget, if you want a chance to sit in my Geico Skybox, just post your video on ellentube.
别忘了 如果你想坐在Geico Skybox里 请在ellentube上晒出你们的视频