Everyone was awake now, manning the catwalks or struggling with the frightened animals below. She could hear Yoren shouting commands. Something bumped against her leg, and she glanced down to discover the crying girl clutching her. "Get away!" She wrenched her leg free. "What are you doing up here? Run and hide someplace, you stupid." She shoved the girl away.
The riders reined up before the gates. "You in the holdfast!" shouted a knight in a tall helm with a spiked crest. "Open, in the name of the king!"
Aye, and which king is that? old Reysen yelled back down, before Woth cuffed him into silence.

Yoren climbed the battlement beside the gate, his faded black cloak tied to a wooden staff. "You men hold down here!" he shouted. "The townfolk's gone."
And who are you, old man? One of Lord Beric's cravens? called the knight in the spiked helm. "if that fat fool Thoros is in there, ask him how he likes these fires."
Got no such man here, Yoren shouted back. "Only some lads for the Watch. Got no part o' your war." He hoisted up the staff, so they could all see the color of his cloak. "Have a look. That's black, for the Night's Watch."
Or black for House Dondarrion, called the man who bore the enemy banner.