Arya could see its colors more clearly now in the light of the burning town: a golden lion on red. "Lord Beric's sigil is a purple lightning bolt on a black field."
Suddenly Arya remembered the morning she had thrown the orange in Sansa's face and gotten juice all over her stupid ivory silk gown. There had been some southron lordling at the tourney, her sister's stupid friend Jeyne was in love with him. He had a lightning bolt on his shield and her father had sent him out to behead the Hound's brother. It seemed a thousand years ago now, something that had happened to a different person in a different life... to Arya Stark the Hand's daughter, not Arry the orphan boy. How would Arry know lords and such?

Are you blind, man? Yoren waved his staff back and forth, making the cloak ripple. "You see a bloody lightning bolt?"
By night all banners look black, the knight in the spiked helm observed. "Open, or we'll know you for outlaws in league with the king's enemies."
Yoren spat. "Who's got your command?"
I do. The reflections of burning houses glimmered dully on the armor of his warhorse as the others parted to let him pass. He was a stout man with a manticore on his shield, and ornate scrollwork crawling across his steel breastplate.