I command you once more, in King Joffrey's name, to prove the loyalty you profess and open these gates, said Ser Amory.
For a long moment Yoren considered, chewing. Then he spat. "Don't think I will." "So be it. You defy the king's command, and so proclaim yourselves rebels, black cloaks or no."
Got me young boys in here, Yoren shouted down.
Young boys and old men die the same. Ser Amory raised a lanquid fist, and a spear came hurtling from the fire-bright shadows behind. Yoren must have been the target, but it was Woth beside him who was hit. The spearhead went in his throat and exploded out the back of his neck, dark and wet. Woth grabbed at the shaft, and fell boneless from the walk.

Storm the walls and kill them all, Ser Amory said in a bored voice. More spears flew. Arya yanked down Hot Pie by the back of his tunic. From outside came the rattle of armor, the scrape of swords on scabbards, the banging of spears on shields, mingled with curses and the hoofbeats of racing horses. A torch sailed spinning above their heads, trailing fingers of fire as it thumped down in the dirt of the yard.