David Bowie sent a sweet and cheeky response to an American fan letter in 1967
Dear Sandra,
When I called in this, my manager’s office, a few moments ago I was handed my very first American fan letter – and it was from you. I was so pleased that I had to sit down and type an immediate reply, even though Ken is shouting at me to get on with a script he badly needs. That can wiat (wi-at? That’s a new English word which means wait).
I’ve been waiting for some reaction to the album from American listeners. There were reviews in Billboard and Cash Box, but they were by professional critics and they rarely reflect the opinions of the public. The critics were very flattering however. They even liked the single “Love You Till Tuesday”. I’ve got a copy of the American album and they’ve printed the picture a little yellow. I’m really not that blond. I think the picture on the back is more ‘me’. Hope you like those enclosed.
我一直在等待美国听众对这张专辑的反应。《公告牌》和《现金箱》上都有评论,但那都是由专业评论家写的,很少能反映公众的意见。然而,评论家们都过于谄媚了。他们甚至喜欢单曲《Love You until Tuesday》。我拿到了一张美版专辑,他们把封面印的有点发黄。我的头发真的没那么金光闪闪。我觉得反面的照片更像自己。希望你喜欢那些专辑。