(2) the resources are available to one to meet the demands posed by these stimuli (internal resources and external resources: I can deal with it, I can manage); and (3) these demands are challenges, worthy of investment and engagement (it's meaningful)." Look at these three.
(2)个体感受到应对内外部环境压力所需资源是充分的、可以利用的(即可控性)。(3)个体感受到来自内外部环境的压力具有挑战性,值得花时间和精力去应对” 看看这三点。
For all those who write a journal, I bet you can identify these three in your writings. This is what a journal does to a great extent.
When we write and when we really write about our experiences, our difficult experiences, this is very often what comes up - have sense of coherence.

I see. I understand. Make sense. I can deal with it. I can handle it. I have just found a path of how to do it.
Even if dealing with it and handling it is writing a journal, and finally, it makes sense to me. It's meaningful to me now, whereas before, it didn't as much.
So if you don't have a journal, you don't journal, it is certainly something that I highly, highly recommend.
Let me summarize the whole change lecture: the A, B and C. The three are interconnected. In fact, if we want real change to come about, they have to be interconnected. Why? Because habit is like a flood.
我来总结一下“改变”这一课:A B C三点因素,三点是相互关联的。事实上,如果我们真的想有所改变,必须将这三点紧密连接起来。为什么?因为习惯就像洪水一样。