I still do yoga. I still do exercise regularly. I still engage in the CBT approach, the 3 M's.
I keep a journal, which combines very often all three. And I listen to relaxing music. And it works. It works.
Now change is not easy. It is hard. It takes time. However, that doesn't mean that the process itself cannot be enjoyable.
It's not OK when I've changed then I'll be happy. The process itself is extremely, potentially, extremely rewarding

Sometimes difficult. Potentially, very rewarding. The journey as well as the destination.
The other important thing to remember about change- this is taken from the work of, really the person who took the psycho-analysis and transformed it into a more positive approach- Karen Horney, who I mentioned before.
What she says about neurosis is that neurosis never go away completely. And when she says neurosis, she means it in the most, in the broadest sense.
So for example, if I am a perfectionist, I'll always have some perfectionism in me. And we'll talk about it after the break.
If I am prone to anxiety, I'll never be, you know, the Dalai Lama, unlikely. It'll always be there. And it'll always be potentially triggered by any event.