8:45 a.m., Saint Ouen L'Aumone, an industrial estate near Paris
The 007 theme blares out again. Moore jolts awake from a nap.
It's Ellis Blackham, JJX's 21-year-old logistics account manager. "Hi, Rog, how's it going?"
电话是快递公司JJX Logistics的21岁物流客户经理埃利斯·布莱克姆打来的。“嗨,罗格,你怎么样?”
Like Moore, Blackham voted Leave. He expected Brexit to boost demand for logistics services.
So far, he's right: JJX's warehouses are filled with stockpiled goods, from Heineken lager to Nivea skin lotion.
"Still waiting for the goods to come back," Moore replies. "Shouldn't be too much."
His drive to Paris went without a hitch. He's bringing more airplane parts on his return.

"Good man," Blackham says. "It's still looking clear back to Calais. You shouldn't have any problems."
The situation at Dover is less rosy—queues are forming—but coming the other way should be fine.
"Thanks, mate. Ta-rah." Moore hangs up. Once the fresh crate appears, he gets back on the road and flicks on BBC Radio 4:
“谢谢,老兄,回见。” 摩尔挂断电话。装好新的大木箱后,他又上路了,打开BBC广播4台:
The pound is falling further; protests and counterprotests continue outside Parliament; queues are forming at the border between Spain and the British territory of Gibraltar.
9:30 a.m., near Stafford, West Midlands, central England
The smell of melting acrylic fills the factory floor at Goodfish Ltd.
Machines whir noisily, pumping hot plastic into moulds to make handles for violin cases, rake heads for golf bunkers, fog-light holders for Mini automobiles.