3:30 p.m., Isle of Mull, Scotland
The final batch of the 100,000 lemon melt shortbreads Joe Reade's biscuit factory produces each day are turning gold in his industrial oven.
A dozen white-coated, hair-netted workers, including Poles and Romanians, mix Irish butter, Sicilian lemon oil, Brazilian sugar, and British flour.
They bake the resulting dough at 200C before dipping the biscuits in Belgian white chocolate.
Then they wrap the treats in cream-colored packets bearing the Island Bakery name in dark-blue lettering.
Come 4 p.m., the production line stops. Boxes of shortbreads are loaded onto trucks, to be taken by ferry to the Scottish mainland, then on to Germany and the Netherlands.
British Airways is one of Reade's biggest customers, but in all, 25% of his sales come from exports to the EU.
There'll be no exporting to Europe today.

The license certifying his biscuits as an organic food—he also heats his oven with renewable wood and generates his own electricity from a wind turbine—is no longer valid.
He'll need a new one from the EU to sell his product there,
and its rules prevented him from applying for it until the U.K. had actually left. It could be months before the permit is approved.
"This is total madness," Reade mutters under his breath.
He took precautionary measures, encouraging his European customers to bring forward orders to beat the Brexit deadline.
He doesn't need to ship to the Continent for a few weeks, but then the pain will start.
Reade wants Scotland to break away from the U.K. and rejoin the EU. Recent opinion polls suggest a majority of Scots agree.