"You're stupid, Lommy," Arya said angrily. "You'll die if we don't get Gendry out. Who's going to carry you?"
"You and Hot Pie."
"All the time, with no one else to help? We'll never do it. Gendry was the strong one. Anyhow, I don't care what you say, I'm going back for him." She looked at Hot Pie. "Are you coming?"
Hot Pie glanced at Lommy, at Arya, at Lommy again. "I'll come," he said reluctantly.
"Lommy, you keep Weasel here."
He grabbed the little girl by the hand and pulled her close. "What if the wolves come?"

"Yield," Arya suggested.
Finding their way back to the village seemed to take hours. Hot Pie kept stumbling in the dark and losing his way, and Arya had to wait for him and double back. Finally she took him by the hand and led him along through the trees. "Just be quiet and follow." When they could make out the first faint glow of the village fires against the sky, she said, "There's dead men hanging on the other side of the hedge, but they're nothing to be scared of, just remember fear cuts deeper than swords. We have to go real quiet and slow." Hot Pie nodded.
She wriggled under the briar first and waited for him on the far side, crouched low. Hot Pie emerged pale and panting, face and arms bloody with long scratches. He started to say something, but Arya put a finger to his lips. On hands and knees, they crawled along the gibbet, beneath the swaying dead. Hot Pie never once looked up, nor made a sound.