Britain decided that it would not ban “high-risk vendors” from parts of its 5g network. Despite the generic language, the decision is mostly about Huawei, which will thus be able to continue supplying equipment despite an intense lobbying effort by American officials to block the Chinese firm on national-security grounds. Half-recognising that concern, Britain will monitor Huawei’s equipment and bar it from parts of the network deemed critical for security or safety. Elsewhere its market share will be limited to 35%.

Facebook provided details of Mark Zuckerberg’s “vision” to overhaul the oversight of content on the social-media platform. A new independent board will hear appeals from users who have had content taken down, for hate speech say. If Facebook ignores the board’s judgment it will have to explain why. The cost of spending more on privacy and security were in part to blame for a sharp rise in expenses in Facebook’s quarterly report. Revenues grew at the slowest pace since it became a public company in 2012.
Facebook提供了马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)全面改革社交媒体平台对内容监管“愿景”的细节。一个新的独立委员会将受理那些因发表仇恨言论而被删除内容的用户的申诉。如果Facebook无视董事会的判断,将不得不对此做出解释。在Facebook的季度报告中,隐私和安全方面成本的增加是费用急剧上升的部分原因。营收增速为2012年上市以来的最低水平。
A bullish earnings report from Tesla delighted investors. The electric-car maker made its second consecutive quarterly profit, even if, at $105m, it was 25% lower than in the same quarter a year earlier. It also raised its production guidance and now expects to deliver 500,000 this year. The company’s share price has risen by 130% since October.
Renault appointed Luca de Meo as its new chief executive, its second since the fall of Carlos Ghosn in November 2018. Until recently Mr de Meo used to run seat, a Spanish carmaker owned by Volkswagen. He starts his job at Renault in July.
雷诺(Renault)任命卢卡·德梅奥(Luca de Meo)为新任首席执行官,这是自2018年11月卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)下台以来的第二位首席执行官。直到最近,德·梅奥还曾执掌大众汽车(Volkswagen)旗下的西班牙汽车制造商西雅特(seat)。他将于7月份开始在雷诺公司上任。
In Britain it was announced that Northern Rail, is to be nationalised in March, following two years of chaos for passengers under the train company’s current operator. Coming soon after the bail-out of Flybe, this is the new government’s second big intervention in regional transport infrastructure.
在英国,北方铁路公司(Northern Rail)宣布将于今年3月收归国有。此前两年,该铁路公司目前的运营方在乘客疏导方面十分混乱。在对Flybe航空公司进行纾困后不久,这是新政府对地区交通基础设施的第二轮大规模干预。
The share price of the company that owns Victoria’s Secret surged after it was reported that its chief executive might step down and possibly sell the lingerie retailer. Les Wexner has run L Brands for 57 years and is the longest-serving ceo of any s&p 500 company. Last year he faced embarrassing questions over his link to Jeffrey Epstein, a dead sex-trafficker who managed Mr Wexner’s financial assets.
据报道,“维多利亚的秘密”内衣公司首席执行官或将辞职,并可能出售这家内衣零售商。消息传出后,该公司的股价飙升。莱斯·韦克斯纳(Les Wexner)经营L Brands已长达57年,是标准普尔500指数(s&p 500)成分股公司中任职时间最长的首席执行官。去年,他因为与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的关系而处境尴尬,已经死亡的爱泼斯坦是一位性交易者,他管理着韦克斯纳的金融资产。