Four prosecutors who recommended a stiff prison term for Roger Stone, a confidant of Mr Trump who has been convicted on charges relating to the Mueller probe, resigned from the case after the Justice Department pushed for a lighter punishment. Mr Trump had earlier tweeted that he thought the prosecutors’ recommendation was “horrible and unfair”.
四名检察官建议对特朗普的密友罗杰·斯通(Roger Stone)处以重刑。他因与穆勒调查有关的指控而被定罪,在司法部要求减轻处罚后,他辞去了职务。特朗普此前曾在推特上表示,他认为检察官的建议是“可怕且不公平”。
See you in court (maybe)
The new Sudanese government said it would hand over Omar al-Bashir to face war-crime charges before the International Criminal Court. Mr Bashir was deposed as Sudan’s president in April last year amid huge street protests against his bloody regime, which was behind the genocide in Darfur. When or where he will appear before ICC judges is unclear.
The White House confirmed that the leader of al-Qaeda’s offshoot in the Arabian peninsula had been killed. Qasim al-Raymi was hit by a missile in Yemen, where his group carried out most of its attacks. It was also behind the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris in 2015.
白宫证实,基地组织阿拉伯半岛分支的头目已被击毙。卡西姆雷米在也门被一枚导弹击中,他的组织在也门发动了大部分袭击。它也是2015年巴黎《查理周刊》(Charlie Hebdo)大屠杀的幕后黑手。

Five more Turkish troops were killed by the Syrian army as it continued its offensive against rebels in Idlib province, the last opposition holdout. Turkish troops are in the area under an agreement trying to de-escalate the conflict. Turkey struck back at Syrian positions.
Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, ended an agreement making it easy for American soldiers to visit the country for joint exercises. Without evidence, he accused American forces of bringing nuclear weapons to the country. He also denounced America’s decision to cancel the visa of Ronald dela Rosa, an ally who led his bloodthirsty war on drugs.
菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)终止了一项协议,该协议使美国士兵可以方便地访问菲律宾进行联合演习。在没有证据的情况下,他指责美国军队将核武器带到了这个国家。他还谴责了美国取消罗纳德·德拉·罗莎(Ronald dela Rosa)签证的决定,德拉·罗莎是美国的盟友,领导了一场血腥的毒品战争。
India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party was thrashed in elections in Delhi. The opposition retained its lopsided majority in the local assembly, following months of protests against the bjp’s anti-Muslim amendments to citizenship laws.
The EU suspended preferential tariffs for $1bn-worth of Cambodian exports because of Cambodia’s suppression of democracy. Hun Sen, its strongman prime minister, said his country would not “bow down” to foreigners.
由于柬埔寨对民主的压制,欧盟暂停了对价值10亿美元的柬埔寨出口商品征收特惠关税。该国的铁腕总理洪森(Hun Sen)表示,他的国家不会向外国人“低头”。
An off-duty soldier killed 29 people in a shooting spree in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima in Thailand. He was apparently enraged by a financial dispute with the family of his commanding officer.
一名休班士兵在泰国Nakhon Ratchasima开枪打死29人。显然,他被与指挥官家属的经济纠纷所激怒。
“Parasite”, a South Korean comedy thriller,was the surprise winner at the Oscars. It beat the bookies’ favourite, “1917”, to scoop best picture, the first foreign film to do so, and best director. Hollywood stars spouted platitudes about diversity and stealing baby cows. The ceremony had its worst-ever viewing figures.