A general election in Ireland produced a shock win for Sinn Fein, formerly the political wing of the IRA, a terrorist group. The party took the most first-choice votes, but ended up coming second in terms of seats in the Dail (parliament). Ireland now faces weeks or months of negotiations to produce a new government, which might bring Sinn Fein to power for the first time, as part of a coalition.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer abruptly resigned as leader of Germany’s ruling Christian Democrats, and said she will not be a candidate to succeed Angela Merkel as the country’s chancellor. This followed a damaging row over the party’s conduct in the eastern state of Thuringia, where it in effect ended up working with the xenophobic Alternative for Germany.
德国执政的基督教民主联盟领导人安妮格莱特·克雷普·卡伦鲍尔突然宣布辞职,并表示她不会成为接替安格拉·默克尔成为德国总理的候选人。此前,该党在东部的图林根州(Thuringia)的行为引发了一场破坏性的纷争,该党最终与排外的德国另类选择党(Alternative for Germany)合作。

Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, gave the final approval to continue HS2, a high-speed rail link between London and northern cities. The project was on hold after the costs rose above £100bn ($130bn). Mr Johnson also announced other ambitious transport plans outside London, such as road improvements, 4,000 zero-emission buses and “Mini Holland” schemes to promote bike lanes in town centres.
El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, brought rifle-toting troops into the country’s National Assembly to force it to approve a $109m loan to finance his crime-fighting programme. Lawmakers decried an “attempted coup”. He eventually left the building.
萨尔瓦多总统纳伊布·巴克尔(Nayib Bukele)将携带步枪的部队带进了国民议会,迫使其批准了一笔1.09亿美元的贷款,以资助其打击犯罪的计划。议员们谴责这是一场“未遂政变”。他最终离开了大楼。
Adriano da Nóbrega, the reputed head of a paramilitary group accused of killing Marielle Franco, a left-wing city councillor in Rio de Janeiro in 2018, was himself killed. Police in the north-eastern Brazilian state of Bahia say Mr da Nóbrega opened fire when they tried to arrest him and was shot dead. Opposition politicians speculated that he was killed to keep him quiet.
阿德里亚诺·达·诺布雷加(Adriano da Nobrega)是一个著名的准军事组织的头目,他被控于2018年在巴西里约热内卢杀害左翼城市议员马里埃尔·佛朗哥(Marielle Franco),他本人也被枪杀。巴西东北部巴伊亚州警方称,诺布雷加在警方试图逮捕他时开枪,随后被击毙。反对派政客猜测他被杀是为了封口。
Pope Francis decided against ordaining married men in the Amazon, a region that has a shortage of Catholic priests. Rather than weakening the church’s commitment to priestly celibacy, he used an “Apostolic Exhortation” to urge bishops to “be more generous in encouraging those who display a missionary vocation to opt for the Amazon region”.
Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary, but not by much. Pete Buttigieg was a close second and Amy Klobuchar, another moderate, came third. Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden trailed far behind. The next contest in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is in Nevada on February 22nd.
伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)在新罕布什尔州初选中获胜,但差距不大。皮特·布蒂吉格紧随其后,另一位温和派人士艾米·克洛布查尔名列第三。伊丽莎白·沃伦和乔·拜登远远落后。下一场民主党总统提名的角逐将于2月22日在内华达州举行。
With the ink barely dry on his impeachment acquittal in the Senate, Donald Trump took his revenge on witnesses who had testified to the House. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Vindman, a point man on Ukraine, was booted off the National Security Council and marched out of the White House. Gordon Sondland was dismissed as America’s ambassador to the European Union.
参议院对特朗普的弹劾作出无罪开释的判决刚落幕,特朗普就对曾在众议院作证的证人进行了报复。负责乌克兰问题的中校文德曼(Alexander Vindman)被赶出国家安全委员会(National Security Council),并被押出白宫。戈登·桑德兰被解除了美国驻欧盟大使的职务。