"You did not," Grenn said, scowling. "I would have seen."
Dywen whapped him up alongside his ear with the back of his hand.
"You? Seen? You're blind as Maester Aemon. You never even saw that bear."
"What bear? Was there a bear?"
"There's always a bear," declared Dolorous Edd in his usual tone of gloomy resignation.
"One killed my brother when I was young. Afterward it wore his teeth around its neck on a leather thong.

And they were good teeth too, better than mine. I've had nothing but trouble with my teeth."
"Did Sam sleep in the hall last night?" Jon asked him.
"I'd not call it sleeping. The ground was hard, the rushes ill-smelling, and my brothers snore frightfully.
Speak of bears if you will, none ever growled so fierce as Brown Bernarr.
I was warm, though. Some dogs crawled atop me during the night.
My cloak was almost dry when one of them pissed in it. Or perhaps it was Brown Bernarr.
Have you noticed that the rain stopped the instant I had a roof above me?
It will start again now that I'm back out. Gods and dogs alike delight to piss on me."
"I'd best go see to Lord Mormont," Jon said.