"Very good. See that my horse is saddled and ready. I mean for us to ride within the hour.
Have you eaten? Craster serves plain fare, but filling."
I will not eat Graster's food, he decided suddenly.
"I broke my fast with the men, my lord." Jon shooed the raven off Longclaw.
The bird hopped back to Mormont's shoulder, where it promptly shat.
"You might have done that on Snow instead of saving it for me," the Old Bear grumbled. The raven quorked.
He found Sam behind the hall, standing with Gilly at the broken rabbit hutch.

Sam gave him a look of wounded reproach. "I thought you would help her."
"And how was I to do that?" Jon said sharply. "Take her with us, wrapped up in your cloak? We were commanded not to— "
"I know," said Sam guiltily, "but she was afraid. I know what it is to be afraid. I told her..." He swallowed.
"What? That we'd take her with us?"
Sam's fat face blushed a deep red. "On the way home." He could not meet Jon's eyes. "She's going to have a baby."
"Sam, have you taken leave of all your sense? We may not even return this way.
And if we do, do you think the Old Bear is going to let you pack off one of Craster's wives?"