Almost 100 whales have died on a beach in Australia.
Cheynes Beach Caravan Park in Western Australia noticed a pod of long-finned pilot whales about 330 feet from the shore.
At first, DBCA, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, speculated there may be killer whales in the area, and that the pilot whales were in defensive mode.
Within hours, the entire pod of pilot whales were stranded on the shoreline.
Staff from the DBCA along with veterinarians from Perth Zoo and marine fauna experts deployed to help the beached whales.
Experts asked the public to stay away because the whales were "large, distressed and potentially sick".

Professionals and volunteers managed to keep less than half of the stranded pilot whales alive,
and shifted their goals to safely leading the 45 whales into deeper waters with the assistance of small vessels and surf skis.
Despite the valiant human effort to save the lives of the remaining pilot whales,
the whales that had been shepherded out off of the beach re-beached themselves later that afternoon.
"They were all too weak to survive the night. And to avoid prolonging their suffering, were all euthanized," authorities wrote in a statement.