[可可Radio] 可可Radio第989期:成功者的忠告-不要害怕引入新思想(4)
success tips 成功者的忠告 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第307期:脸书蹭饭门的是是非非
Facebook recently fired several Chinese employees for making money by bringing visitors to enjoy free meals in the company via a tourism platform named "Chummy". -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第988期:成功者的忠告-永远保持积极向上的态度(
success tips 成功者的忠告Always maintain a positive mental attitude. 永远保持积极向上的态度。Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on. 不要让灰心丧气阻止你前进的步伐。 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第306期:新广告法来了!
China's new advertising law has come into effect earlier this month. Compare with the previous advertising law, the new law imposes much stricter controls. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第987期:成功者的忠告-愿意努力工作(2)
success tips成功者的忠告Be willing to work hard.愿意努力工作。 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第305期:10块钱在帝都怎么活?
10 university students have received a survival challenge of living in Beijing each with only 10 yuan for 4 days in the summer vacation.2015-09-06 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第986期:成功者的忠告-勇于跟随自己内心的直觉(
success tips成功者的忠告Be brave enough to follow your intuition.勇于跟随自己内心的直觉。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第985期:自我提高法-质疑周遭的一切(9)
自我提高法Question everything.质疑周遭的一切。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第984期:自我提高法-保持诚实(8)
自我提高法Be honest.保持诚实。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第983期:自我提高法-起床超级超级早(7)
自我提高法Wake up extremely early.起床超级超级早。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第982期:自我提高法-看住自己的钢镚儿(6)
自我提高法 Watch your pennies.看住自己的钢镚儿 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第304期:你有语音恐惧症吗?
Now there is a new modern mental condition called语音恐惧症, or verbal communication phobia. People who have this condition prefer to talk to others in written rather than oral forms. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第981期:自我提高法-记下你吃过的食物(5)
自我提高法 Track what you eat.记下你吃过的食物 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第303期:飞机餐的正确打开方式
Have you been tired of bad food served on flight? It's impossible for you to change the taste of food, but you can try to pick up a better meal, since you have at least 2 choices. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第980期:自我提高法-只吃有营养的食物(4)
自我提高法 Eat only nutritious food.只吃有营养的食物
经济学人:英伦生活质量 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务
8月2日,马格德莱娜和她的情人玛瑞斯因涉嫌谋杀自己的4岁儿子丹尼尔,被判 -
经济学人:有组织犯罪 和抢劫说再见
报道火车大劫案的警官传递出令人震惊的消息:你绝对不会相信,但他们刚刚抢劫 - 3
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