1.What phrase means to get a big salary?
a) telephone numbers
b) one to one hundred
c) hit the jackpot
d) the price is right
2.How old is the man who is suing New York?
a) 60
b) 61
c) 62
d) 63
3.How many zeros are there in one undecillion?
a) 33
b) 34
c) 35
d) 36
4.Who else besides astrophysicists might use the word undecillion?
a) Bill Gates
b) astronomers
c) accountants
d) zoologists
5.How big is two undecillion dollars compared to the world's money?
a) it's bigger
b) it's about half
c) 10%
d) nowhere near as big
6.What newspaper is mentioned that reported about this story?
a) The Times
b) LA Times
c) The Washington Post
d) New York Post
7.How many hospitals is the man suing?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
8.What kind of distress is the man suing for?
a) psychological
b) emotional
c) health
d) back
9.What bit the man?
a) a mosquito
b) a rat
c) a dog
d) another man
10.What does the man think of the coffee at LaGuardia Airport?
a) there's not enough variety
b) it's too expensive
c) it's dangerous
d) it's too hot