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  • This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey.
  • 欢迎收听美国之音新闻。我是乔·拉姆齐,为您远程报道。
  • India's Health Ministry reported its lowest number of new daily COVID-19 cases in nearly three weeks on Saturday.
  • 印度卫生部周六公布的单日新增新冠病例数量降至近三周的最低。
  • But the government warns a surge is still sweeping across rural areas.
  • 但是政府警告称,疫情仍在席卷农村地区。
  • Officials say the overall rate of infections fell nearly 20 percent this week after being down about 22 percent the week before.
  • 官员们表示,总感染率在前一周下降了22%之后,本周又下降了近20%。
  • But Saturday, India still saw more than 300,000 new cases and nearly 4,000 deaths.
  • 但上周六,印度仍有超过30万新增病例和近4000的死亡病例。
  • Only the U.S. has recorded more total COVID-19 cases.
  • 只有美国的整体新冠病例数超过印度。
  • The United States has seen more than 32 million infections compared to about 24 million for India
  • 美国已经发现超过3200万人感染,而印度的感染人数为2400万,
  • but experts say the South Asian nation is under counting.
  • 但专家们说,这个南亚国家的病例数计数不足。
  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro rallied his base Saturday, appearing on horseback and even in a helicopter flyover
  • 巴西总统博尔索纳罗周六骑马、甚至乘直升机亮相集会以重振民心,
  • as his popularity dips and he faces harsh criticism for his handling of the pandemic which has ravaged his country.
  • 因为他的支持率下降,而且人们对其处理肆虐巴西的疫情的方式提出严厉批评。
  • The far-right leader put out a call for rallies in several cities which were meant to gather the country's so-called conservative "soldiers," including farmers and the religious right.
  • 这位极右翼领导人呼吁在几个城市举行集会,旨在聚集巴西所谓的保守派“士兵”,包括农民和宗教右翼。
  • Brazil is the second hardest hit COVID-19 country in the world after the United States but Bolsonaro has questioned the virus and vaccines.
  • 巴西是世界上新冠疫情第二严重的国家,位列美国之后,但是博尔索纳罗对病毒和疫苗提出了质疑。
  • His approval rating hit an all-time low of 24 percent this week as Brazil's Senate investigates is handling of the pandemic.
  • 随着巴西参议院调查疫情处理情况,他的支持率在本周创下了24%的历史新低。
  • On Saturday, he cast out on the country's 2022 presidential elections, questioning the country's electronic voting system without evidence.
  • 周六,他在巴西2022年总统选举中出局,并在没有证据的情况下质疑巴西的电子投票系统。
  • Thirty people were sentenced to death in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday for the role in anti-police violence marking the end of Ramadan.
  • 刚果民主共和国周六有30人因参与反警察暴力以庆祝斋月结束而被判处死刑。
  • Officials say a policeman was killed on Thursday
  • 官员们说,一名警察星期四被杀害,
  • as rival Muslim groups fought over the right to celebrate Eid al-Fitr festivities marking the end of Ramadan in a major sports stadium.
  • 当时对立的穆斯林团体在一个主要体育场举办的庆祝开斋节结束的活动中发生冲突。
  • The government has also confirmed that one policewoman is in critical condition and 46 others injured.
  • 政府还证实,一名女警察伤势严重,另有46人受伤。
  • A total of 38 people who had been arrested appeared at Friday's trial.
  • 星期五的审判中,共有38名被捕者出庭。
  • It was broadcast live on public television and lasted until the early hours of Saturday.
  • 听审在公共电视台直播,一直持续到星期六凌晨。
  • The DRC has not carried out the death penalties since 2003, commuting most to life in prison.
  • 自2003年以来,刚果民主共和国一直没有执行死刑,大部分人被减为终身监禁。
  • Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey, VOA News.
  • 我是乔·拉姆齐,为您远程报道美国之音新闻。



This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey. India's Health Ministry reported its lowest number of new daily COVID-19 cases in nearly three weeks on Saturday. But the government warns a surge is still sweeping across rural areas. Officials say the overall rate of infections fell nearly 20 percent this week after being down about 22 percent the week before. But Saturday, India still saw more than 300,000 new cases and nearly 4,000 deaths. Only the U.S. has recorded more total COVID-19 cases. The United States has seen more than 32 million infections compared to about 24 million for India but experts say the South Asian nation is under counting.




Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro rallied his base Saturday, appearing on horseback and even in a helicopter flyover as his popularity dips and he faces harsh criticism for his handling of the pandemic which has ravaged his country. The far-right leader put out a call for rallies in several cities which were meant to gather the country's so-called conservative "soldiers," including farmers and the religious right. Brazil is the second hardest hit COVID-19 country in the world after the United States but Bolsonaro has questioned the virus and vaccines. His approval rating hit an all-time low of 24 percent this week as Brazil's Senate investigates is handling of the pandemic. On Saturday, he cast out on the country's 2022 presidential elections, questioning the country's electronic voting system without evidence.


Thirty people were sentenced to death in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday for the role in anti-police violence marking the end of Ramadan. Officials say a policeman was killed on Thursday as rival Muslim groups fought over the right to celebrate Eid al-Fitr festivities marking the end of Ramadan in a major sports stadium. The government has also confirmed that one policewoman is in critical condition and 46 others injured. A total of 38 people who had been arrested appeared at Friday's trial. It was broadcast live on public television and lasted until the early hours of Saturday. The DRC has not carried out the death penalties since 2003, commuting most to life in prison. Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey, VOA News.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
questioning ['kwestʃəniŋ]


n. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词

approval [ə'pru:vəl]


n. 批准,认可,同意,赞同

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

harsh [hɑ:ʃ]


adj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

rival ['raivəl]


n. 对手,同伴,竞争者
adj. 竞争的

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

voting ['vəutiŋ]


n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力





