A flash of light plays on his face, then moves down the street past lawns and porches and rooftops, and then disappears. STEVE BRAND, the man who has been polishing his car, stands there speechless, staring upwards. He looks at DON MARTIN, his neighbor from across the street.
Steve: What was that? A meteor?
Don: That's what it looks like. I didn't hear any crash, though, did you?
Steve: Nope, I didn't hear anything except a roar.
Mrs. Brand: (from her porch) Steve? What was that?
Steve: Guess it was a meteor, honey. Came awful close, didn't it?
Mrs. Brand: Much too close!
(People stand on their porches, watching and talking in low tones. We see a man screwing in a light bulb on a front porch, then getting down from the stool to turn on the switch and finding that nothing happens. A Man working on an electric power mower plugs in the plug. He turns on the switch, on and off, but nothing happens. Through one window of a front porch, a Woman is seen dialing her phone.)
Woman: Operator, operator, something's wrong with the phone, operator!
(MRS. BRAND comes out on the porch.)
Mrs. Brand: (calling) Steve, the power's off. I had the soup on the stove, and the stove just stopped working.