But then I thought of my father and felt a deep sorrow that he should no longer be alive, and that I could not go to him and tell him that I had been awarded the Nobel Prize. I knew that no one would have been happier than he to hear this.
Anyone who has ever sat in a train as it rushes through a dark night will know that sometimes there are long minutes when the coaches slide smoothly along without so much as a shudder. All rustle and bustle cease and the sound of the wheels becomes a soothing, peaceful melody. Well, that is how it was as I sat there and thought how much I should like to see my old father again. And so I began to daydream: "Just think, if I were going to meet Father in Paradise! I seem to have heard of such things happening to other people -- why, then, not to myself?" The train went gliding on but it had a long way to go yet, and my thoughts raced ahead of it. Father will certainly be sitting in a rocking chair on a veranda, with a garden full of sunshine and flowers and birds in front of him.
He will say, "Good day, my daughter, I am very glad to see you", or "Why, you are here, and how are you, my child", just as he always used to do.