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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第二册:U16A The Oyster and the Pearl(15)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Miss McCutcheon. The people of O.K.-by-the-Sea are all poor.
  • 麦卡琴小姐,海边满意镇的居民都是穷人,
  • Most of them can't afford to pay for the haircuts I give them.
  • 我给他们理发,多数人都没钱付。
  • There's no excuse for this town at all, but the sea is here, and so are the hills.
  • 这个镇子根本没有存在的理由,但是这里有海、有山。
  • A few people find jobs a couple of months every year North or South,
  • 有些人一年中只有一两个月在北边或者南边找点活干,
  • come back half dead of homesickness, and live on next to nothing the rest of the year.
  • 想家想得厉害,就回来,剩下的日子几乎没有收入。
  • A few get pensions. Every family has a garden and a few chickens, and they make a few dollars selling vegetables and eggs.
  • 有的人有退休金。家家都有菜园子,都养鸡。他们靠卖菜、卖鸡蛋挣点钱。
  • In a town of almost a thousand people there isn't one rich man.
  • 在这个近千人的镇上,一个富人也没有,
  • Not even one who is well-off. And yet these people are the richest I have ever known.
  • 连个家境殷实的人也没有。可是这些人是我所认识的最富有的人。
  • Clay doesn't really want money, as you seem to think.
  • 克莱不是你想象的那样,真的想要钱。
  • He wants his father to come home, and he thinks money will help get his father home.
  • 他是想要他父亲回家,他认为钱能帮他把他父亲弄回家。
  • As a matter of fact his father is the man who stepped in here just as you were leaving.
  • 在你刚才出门时进来的那个人就是克莱的父亲。
  • He left thirty dollars for me to give to Clay, to take home.
  • 他在我这儿留下了30美元叫我让克莱拿回家。
  • His father and his mother haven't been getting along.
  • 这孩子的父母不和。
  • Clark Larrabee's a fine man. He's not the town drunk or anything like that,
  • 克拉克·拉腊比是个好人,不是镇上常见的酒鬼或二流子。
  • but having four kids to provide for he gets to feeling ashamed of the showing he's making, and he starts drinking.
  • 可是有四个孩子要养活,他对自己的现状感到羞愧,因此开始酗酒。
  • He wants his kids to live in a good house of their own, wear good clothes and all the other things fathers have always wanted for their kids.
  • 他想让孩子们有属于自己的好房子、穿上好衣服,想要自己的孩子拥有所有父亲都希望自己孩子享有的东西。
  • His wife wants these things for the kids, too.
  • 他的老婆也希望孩子们有这些东西。
  • They don't have these things, so they fight.
  • 但他们因为没有这些东西,所以经常吵架。
  • They had one too many fights about a month ago, so Clark went off—he's working in Salinas.
  • 一个月之前,他们吵得厉害,克拉克就离家出走了,在萨利纳斯干活,
  • He's either going to keep moving away from his family, or he's going to come back.
  • 既不去更远的地方,也不回家。
  • It all depends on—well, I don't know what. This oyster maybe. Clay maybe. You and me maybe.
  • 他回不回家取决于……我也不知道取决于什么,或许是这只牡蛎,或许是克莱。也许是你我二人。
  • (There is a pause. He looks at the oyster. Miss McCutcheon looks at it, too.)
  • (停顿片刻,他看了看那只牡蛎。麦卡琴小姐也看了看牡蛎。)
  • Clay believes there's a pearl in this oyster for the same reason you and I believe whatever we believe to keep us going.
  • 克莱深信这只牡蛎里面有颗珍珠,就像你我坚信使你我得以坚持生活下去的任何信念一样。


Miss McCutcheon. The people of O.K.-by-the-Sea are all poor.

Most of them can't afford to pay for the haircuts I give them.
There's no excuse for this town at all, but the sea is here, and so are the hills.
A few people find jobs a couple of months every year North or South,
come back half dead of homesickness, and live on next to nothing the rest of the year.
A few get pensions. Every family has a garden and a few chickens, and they make a few dollars selling vegetables and eggs.
In a town of almost a thousand people there isn't one rich man.
Not even one who is well-off. And yet these people are the richest I have ever known.
Clay doesn't really want money, as you seem to think.
He wants his father to come home, and he thinks money will help get his father home.
As a matter of fact his father is the man who stepped in here just as you were leaving.
He left thirty dollars for me to give to Clay, to take home.
His father and his mother haven't been getting along.
Clark Larrabee's a fine man. He's not the town drunk or anything like that,
but having four kids to provide for he gets to feeling ashamed of the showing he's making, and he starts drinking.
He wants his kids to live in a good house of their own, wear good clothes and all the other things fathers have always wanted for their kids.
His wife wants these things for the kids, too.
They don't have these things, so they fight.
They had one too many fights about a month ago, so Clark went offhe's working in Salinas.
He's either going to keep moving away from his family, or he's going to come back.
It all depends onwell, I don't know what. This oyster maybe. Clay maybe. You and me maybe.
(There is a pause. He looks at the oyster. Miss McCutcheon looks at it, too.)
Clay believes there's a pearl in this oyster for the same reason you and I believe whatever we believe to keep us going.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
oyster ['ɔistə]


n. 牡蛎

pearl [pə:l]


n. 珍珠
v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,



n. 乡愁

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体





