Today let's talk about the differences between American English and British English.
After all, some differences can lead to embarrassment or confusion.
For instance, in Britain, if you ask for a pair of pants to wear to a party, it would sound inappropriate.
In Britain they say trousers, as pants always refer to underwear.
Let's say a speaker of British English gets off a plane in America.
Just to catch a bus or train into town may require a different vocabulary.
In Britain, you might take a coach, but in America you will take a bus,
在英国,你会说“take a coach”,但是在美国你会说“take a bus”,
And you would take the subway in America rather than the tube or the underground in Britain.
在美国你会说“take the subway” ,而在英国你会说“tube or the underground”。
There are some other different expressions that the British and Americans use to refer to the same thing.
In Britain, public school is what Americans call private school where you have to pay to have education.
在英国,“public school”就是美国人所说的“private school”,在那里你必须付费才能接受教育。
In America, It's not polite to ask where the toilet is.
You should say bathroom or restroom when speaking to an American.