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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

China's economic cooperation with other Asia-Pacific countries has been deepening. Over the past decade, China's trade with Asia-Pacific countries has kept growing. Of China's top ten trading partners, eight are in the Asia Pacific. China's trade with Asian countries has grown by nearly three times during this period. For several years in a row, China has been Asia's largest import market and the largest trading partner for Japan, the ROK, India, Vietnam and Mongolia. During China's 11th Five-Year Plan Period (2006-2010), over 60% of China's overseas non-financial direct investment has gone to its neighbors. Asia now hosts more of China's overseas companies than any other region. China has actively expanded fiscal and financial cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries. We have set up a China-APEC Cooperation Fund totaling 20 million US dollars and signed bilateral currency swap agreements totaling 360 billion RMB yuan with Malaysia, Indonesia and the ROK. In the fight against the international financial crisis, China and other Asia-Pacific countries have worked together and supported each other. This has further deepened practical cooperation and boosted the economic recovery and development in the region.

China's security cooperation with other Asia-Pacific countries has been expanding. China is committed to resolving disputes through peaceful negotiations. We have made great effort to push forward the Six-Party Talks process and played a constructive role in addressing hotspot issues. We have been actively involved in the ASEAN Regional Forum and other security dialogue mechanisms and carried out security cooperation with regional countries in counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, combating transnational crimes and public health. China is committed to appropriately handle and address territorial and maritime disputes through dialogue and negotiations on the basis of facts and in keeping with the basic norms governing international relations. The Chinese people cherish friendly sentiments towards people in the region. When natural disasters like the Indian Ocean Tsunami and the floods in Pakistan struck, we showed sympathy for the affected population and promptly offered disaster-relief assistance.

People-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and other Asia-Pacific countries have been more extensive. China has vigorously promoted people-to-people exchanges in the context of APEC, advanced human resources development cooperation and strengthened educational and cultural exchanges and dialogue. Over the past ten years, the number of Asian students coming to China has been growing year by year. Last year, it exceeded 160,000, accounting for three fourths of foreign students in China. We have set up more than 100 Confucius institutes and classrooms in Asia, and established China culture centers in the ROK, Japan and Mongolia. We have organized training courses for people from other Asian developing countries. We have trained over 14,000 professionals in various fields for ASEAN countries over the past five years.

China is committed to building regional cooperation mechanisms together with other Asia-Pacific countries. The Asia Pacific is a region of diversity. And to build cooperation mechanisms in such a region, we must follow the principles of building consensus, seeking incremental progress, focusing on easier issues before moving to more difficult ones and being open and inclusive. We should keep the existing mechanisms as the platform and encourage different mechanisms to complement and reinforce each other in order to advance regional cooperation. Last January, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was fully established, providing an unprecedented favorable environment for stronger trade and investment cooperation between China and ASEAN nations. It will bring tangible benefits to nearly one third of the world's population. China supports the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity and will work with the countries involved to build roads, railways, water routes and ports. The ASEAN plus Three cooperation has shown great strength in countering the financial crisis. The Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) was realized and regional foreign exchange reserve pool totaling 120 billion US dollars and the regional Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) totaling 700 million US dollars were established. New steps were also taken in China-Japan-ROK cooperation. The three countries have set out the goal of completing the joint study on an FTA among them by 2012. China has actively promoted trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in the Asia-Pacific region. We support regional economic integration and the effort to make APEC an important platform for regional economic and trade cooperation. China welcomes a constructive role by relevant countries in regional cooperation. We are open to and we welcome any cooperation initiative that contributes to regional economic integration and common prosperity.





