The Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign State Immunity
(Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress on September 1, 2023)
Article 1 This Law is enacted pursuant to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China to improve China's foreign state immunity system and define the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China over civil cases involving a foreign State and its property with a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties concerned, safeguarding the sovereign equality of States, and promoting friendly exchanges with other countries.
第一条 为了健全外国国家豁免制度,明确中华人民共和国的法院对涉及外国国家及其财产民事案件的管辖,保护当事人合法权益,维护国家主权平等,促进对外友好交往,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 In this Law, a foreign State means:
第二条 本法所称的外国国家包括:
1. a foreign sovereign State;
2. a State organ or a constituent part of a foreign sovereign State;
3. an organization or an individual, authorized by a foreign sovereign State, that exercises sovereign authority and conducts activities in accordance with such authorization.
Article 3 Unless otherwise provided by this Law, a foreign State and its property enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China.
第三条 外国国家及其财产在中华人民共和国的法院享有管辖豁免,本法另有规定的除外。
Article 4 A foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China in proceedings instituted with regard to a particular matter or case if it has expressly submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China with regard to the matter or case:
第四条 外国国家通过下列方式之一明示就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖的,对于就该事项或者案件提起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:
1. in an international treaty;
2. in a written agreement;
3. in a written document filed with the court of the People's Republic of China handling the case;
4. in a written document submitted to the People's Republic of China through diplomatic or other channels;
5. in other manner of express submission to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China.
Article 5 A foreign State shall be considered as having submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China with regard to a particular matter or case if it has:
第五条 外国国家有下列情形之一的,视为就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:
1. instituted proceedings in a court of the People's Republic of China as a plaintiff;
2. participated in proceedings before a court of the People's Republic of China as a defendant, and made a defense on the merits of the case or a counterclaim;
3. participated in proceedings before a court of the People's Republic of China as a third party; or
4. been counterclaimed on the basis of the same legal relationship or facts during proceedings it instituted as a plaintiff or in the claims it made as a third party before a court of the People's Republic of China.
Notwithstanding the provision of sub-paragraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, where a foreign State can prove that it could not have acquired knowledge of facts on which a claim to immunity can be based until after it made the defense, it can claim immunity within a reasonable period after it knew or ought to have known about those facts.
Article 6 A foreign State shall not be considered as having submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China if:
第六条 外国国家有下列情形之一的,不视为接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:
1. it makes a defense for the sole purpose of claiming immunity;
2. its representative appears before a court of the People's Republic of China as a witness; or
3. it consents to the application of the law of the People's Republic of China to a particular matter or case.
Article 7 A foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China in any proceedings arising out of a commercial activity between the foreign State and an organization or an individual of another State including the People's Republic of China, which takes place in the territory of the People's Republic of China, or takes place outside the territory of the People's Republic of China but causes a direct effect in the territory of the People's Republic of China.
第七条 外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人进行的商业活动,在中华人民共和国领域内发生,或者虽然发生在中华人民共和国领域外但在中华人民共和国领域内产生直接影响的,对于该商业活动引起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免。
In this Law, a commercial activity means any act of transaction of goods or services, investment, lending, or any other act of a commercial nature, which is not an exercise of sovereign authority. The courts of the People's Republic of China, in determining whether an act is a commercial activity, shall consider all factors relating to the nature and purpose of the act.