例(10) 中国同亚太各国发展关系有着坚实的基础。
China and the Asia-Pacific countries enjoy a solid foundation for developing their relations.
The relations between China and the Asia-Pacific countries are built on a solid foundation.
例(11) This issue should be dealt with carefully through dialogue and negotiation.
例(12) In the economies of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand and the other affected countries, the tsunami is likely to register more as a small wave, because the two industries most heavily hit—tourism and fishing—make up small percentages of the overall economy.
5. 结语
本文从培训的角度介绍了各种口译资格考试普遍使用但是教科书上着墨不多的一个项目—— 视阅口译。视阅口译一般用作交传和同传的辅助练习,有效地训练学员的断句和表达能力的。笔者认为,一旦阐明了训练的要旨,即合理断句并整合,视阅口译就成为一项非常实用的自我训练方法,尤其在课时不多的本科口译教学中将发挥很大的作用—— 既可以锻炼灵活表达,又通过大量的阅读拓宽了知识面,积累词汇,训练应变能力。因此,视阅口译实在是一项可以“一石多鸟”的训练项目,值得口译教学研究者更多地深入探讨。
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论文出处:疯狂英语·教师版 2007年8期