21. 外快side money
Lao Zhang has made a huge sum of side money in the past few years.
20.买得便宜 buy something on the cheap
He bought that car on the cheap.
21.输得精光be taken to the cleaners
The guys ganged up on him and they took him to the cleaners.
22.调情 make a pass at someone
When I found that a stranger began to make a pass at me, I gave him a stern look and left.
23.花费 outgoings
He gets about 300 yuan a month .How could he possibly balance his family’s outgoings with such a small income?
24.重要约会a heavy date
She says she is having a heavy date tonight, so she won’t come.
25.向……求婚pop the question to
When he popped the question to me he said that I was the only one he would love but now, the story is quite different.
26.把……给甩了give somebody the air
She had as supposed given him the air at last.
27.怀孕了 be heavy with child
How could you have the heart to let a woman heavy with child to do such a rough job?
28.生在富贵人家born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
Generally speaking, very few of those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths will make the mark.
29.开价 make a price
I’ve seen your car and now you can make a price.
30.卖个好价钱 fetch a good price
His car is certain to fetch a good price at the auction.