The phenomenal success of “Ne Zha 2” has sparked a wave of national pride and jubilation, with audiences, state media and officials rushing to celebrate the landmark achievement: 《哪吒2》的惊人成功引发了民族自豪感和欢腾喜悦的浪潮,观众、媒体和官员纷纷庆祝这一里程碑式的成就
For decades, China’s movie market had been dominated by Hollywood blockbusters. But in recent years, homegrown titles have increasingly outpaced Western films, a pivot fueled by rising cultural pride, more sophisticated storytelling and rapid technological progress:几十年来,中国电影市场一直被好莱坞大片主导。但近年来,国产电影的市场份额已超越西方电影。推动这一转变的因素包括中国文化自豪感的提升、更复杂、有内涵的的叙事手法和迅猛的技术进步
China’s domestic film industry has pounced on the opportunity. Animation rooted in traditional Chinese folklore, enhanced with state-of-the-art special effects, has proven to be a winning formula: 中国国内电影业果断抓住这一机遇。植根于中国传统民间故事的动画,加上最先进、尖端的特效,已被证明是制胜的法宝
For a new generation of Chinese filmmakers and audiences, the reasoning is clear: If China’s own talent can deliver high-quality adaptations of the legends they grew up with, why rely on Western studios to tell Chinese stories? 对于新一代中国电影人和观众来说,逻辑非常简单:如果中国自己的人才能高质量改编他们成长过程中的传奇故事,为什么要依赖西方电影公司来讲述中国故事?
The sequel to a 2019 box office champion, e stars aligned for “Ne Zha 2” to become a smash hit:作为 2019 年票房冠军的续集,《哪吒2》集天时地利人和,大受欢迎
Born with extraordinary powers, the protagonist, Ne Zha, is “ugly cute” and mischievous, unafraid to challenge heavenly authority and confront the gods who have manipulated power to suit their own ends: 主人公哪吒天生神力、可爱至极、淘气,并敢于挑战天庭权威、对抗操纵权力以达到自己目的的神灵
The messages of the film resonate with different audiences and reflect many of the challenges of current times, such as fighting for one’s own dreams; themes of family love and friendship; and identity search: 影片传递的信息引起了不同观众的共鸣,也反映了当今时代的许多挑战,包括为自己的梦想而奋斗、亲情、友情、身份探索等
As it shattered box office records, “Ne Zha 2” quickly emerged as a triumph of China’s animation and film industries: 《哪吒2》不仅屡破票房纪录,它也迅速成为中国动画和电影产业的凯旋胜利之作
China’s animation industry has come a long way. In a market where generations of audiences grew up watching movies from Hollywood’s Disney and Pixar and Japan’s Studio Ghibli, a growing number of domestic animations have broken through in recent years, especially those championing traditional culture: 中国的动画产业经取得了长足的进步。许多观众之前都是看好莱坞迪斯尼、皮克斯和日本吉卜力工作室的电影成长。但近年来越来越多的国产动画片,尤其是倡导传统文化的动画片纷纷取得突破
The film hit a landmark 100 billion yuan in ticket sales, overtaking “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” to become the third-highest-grossing animated film ever: 影片已打破百亿人民币的票房纪录,超过《超级马里奥兄弟大电影》,成为史上票房第三高的动画电影