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小学综合英语 5A Unit 5 Where Have You Been?

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 5 Where Have You Been?
Yesterday Annie got home late.She had a meeting with hte Busy Bees.
Her mother was very angry.'Look at the time, Annie!'She said.
'It's half past seven. Where have you been?''I've been to the park 'Annie said.
'You've been out since 4 o'clock.Who have you been with 'her mother asked.
Peter,Patsy and John,' Annie said.'You're always out with those children,
'her mother said.'You've been out with them every day this week.'
We're special friends.'Annie said.
'We've got our own club.'On the fith floor of the block,
John opened the door of Flat 5.On the eighth floor of the block,
Peter opened the door of Flat 12.On the elevnth floor of the block,
Patsy opened the door of Flat 2.'look at the time!'their mothers said.
'Where have you been?'All the Busu Bees were in trouble.
Sally structure
Where have you been?
I've been to the park.
I've been to school.I've been to the cinema.
You've been out since 4 o'clock.You've been out since half past seven.
You've been out since lunch time.
Peter was late home,too.His mother was angry.
Mother:look at the time,Peter!It's half past seven.
Peter :I forgot the time.
Mother:You've been out since 3 o'clock. Where have you been?
Peter :To the park.
Mother:Who have you been with?
Peter :John,Patsy and Annie.

关键字: 小学 综合 英语 5A




