When the executioner, by now probably wanting to die himself,held up the head to the spectators,
这个刽子手 那时应该是魂飞魄散了 向围观群众举起头颅
he made the mistake of grasping it by the mass of auburn curls,but that was a wig.
但是他犯了一个错误 抓起了褐色的头发 那只是一顶假发
To general horror, Mary's skull,the hair cropped into short grey stubble,
看到玛丽的头颅 人们大惊失色 那是一头剪得很短的灰白头发
fell from his grip and rolled along the floor.
At that moment a terrible howling came from the crimson, blood-soaked petticoat.
这时 从血染的衣服中 传来一声悲恸的嚎叫
Mary's lap dog had to be taken away from the wreckage of her mistress.
玛丽的小狗 必须要与它的女主人分离
They tried and tried to scrub it clean of the clotted blood.
They did so, but it wouldn't eat, it languished, it died.
尽管如此 它还是拒绝进食 最终活活饿死
It was just another martyr to Mary's pathetic, tragic life.
对于玛丽悲情的一生 它又是一名殉道者
Perhaps that little dog was the first mourner,it certainly was not going to be the last.
也许那只小狗是玛丽第一个默哀者 但是它肯定不是最后一个
Among the mourners, astoundingly,was Queen Elizabeth, in deep denial of what she had done.
令人惊讶的是 在默哀的人们中 还有伊丽莎白女王 非常后悔她的决定
When she heard, her countenance changed, her words faltered
当得知消息后 她表情僵硬 言语哽咽
and with excessive sorrow she was in a manner astonished,
in so much as she gave herself over to grief,
在悲痛中 她不能自已
putting herself into mourning weeds and shedding abundance of tears.
她穿起了黑纱丧服 泪流不止