His father, King Henry III, reigned for 56 years.
他的父亲 亨利三世国王在位56年
He's not remembered for any stirring achievement or bloodsoak conquest,
他一生既无赫赫功勋 也未曾暴虐征讨
but Henry's time on the throne was driven by a magnificent of session.
但亨利在位期间 也曾试图励精图治
He wanted to turn the monarchy into England's dominant power.
他想要将君主制 发展成英格兰的主导统治力量
Henry's great gift to the nation was more than just fine new church.
亨利对国家的贡献 不仅仅是全新的大教堂
Across the way, its secular counterpart was the great hall of the Palace of Westminster.
教堂对面是其世俗的对等物 威斯敏斯特宫的大厅
The Palace was both the seat of government and a residence for King Henry,
这座宫殿同时充当着 政府办公厅与亨利王的住所
who, unlike his Angevin ancestors,didn't much like being in the settle.
与金雀花王朝的先王们不同 亨利王不嗜安逸
And the hall was a court in both the senses the word suggests,a place of judgement and a theatre of ceremony.
这座大厅的功能恰如其称谓 既是审判庭 又是礼堂
At Westminster, the king had to be seen to be magnificent,but the king had also to be seen to be just.
在威斯敏斯特 国王的形象必须威严雄伟 同时还必须正义凛然
Westminster may have been the creation of the monarchy,
but it also belonged to England - a nation of laws,the nation of Magna Carta.
但它同时属于英格兰 一个法治国家 《大宪章》之国