In 1274, Edward I's coronation finally took place in a magnificent sanctuary created by his father.
1274年爱德华一世的加冕礼 在他父亲修建的宏丽教堂中举行
The Westminster in which he was crowned would,if Edward had anything to do with it,
他的加冕地威斯敏斯特 不仅将成为英格兰的中心
be the capital not just of England, but of Britain.
It was in Wales that Edward first made the seriousness of his ambitions crystal clear.
爱德华的野心 初次显露是在威尔士
Here, the dominant prince was Llywelyn ap Gruffydd,ruler of the mountainous kingdom of Gwynedd,greater Snowdonia.
这里是卢埃林·爱普·格鲁菲兹的领土 他是格温内思这座山间王国的统治者 斯诺登的霸主
Knowing that the difficult, not to say impossible terrain of his country
深知自己这片地形复杂 易守难攻的领地
had been the graveyard of English armies,Llywelyn was determined to resist their attempts to subdue central Wales.
曾经是英格兰军队的死亡之地 卢埃林决心阻断 英格兰征服威尔士中部的企图
Here, the native Welsh clung on to their language, customers and laws.
当地威尔士人坚持使用 自己的语言 风俗 法律
Lords in their own lands, but still subjects of English King.
虽然有自己的君王 却要向英格兰国王俯首称臣
By the 13th century, Wales had become divided into the principality of Gwynedd, the disputed centre,
到十三世纪时 威尔士被划分为三部分 格温内思公国 中部冲突地区
and the encroaching English baronial and crown lands.
Encroaching, that is, until 1258,when Llywelyn was strong enough to have himself declared "princeps wallie" prince of Wales.
这种逐渐推进的入侵持续到1258年 此时卢埃林已积攒了足够的实力 自封为威尔士王子